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My Story - Karen Cameron - The Crystal Gathering

This is the story of how my love for crystals began

I was the kid in elementary school that actually looked forward to show and tell day.  I would be so excited to share my rock collection. I had several egg crates filled with rocks that I had gathered, researched (looked them up in an ancient World Book Encyclopedia set at my aunt’s house) and labeled them with index cards: their scientific names, their mineral compositions as best that I could determine, where they were found, and so forth. 

Did it matter that no one (except sometimes the teacher) was at all interested in rocks?  Not really!  I laugh every time I think about it, because I would be enthusiastically sharing the difference between intrusive and extrusive igneous rock formations and my classmates would be bored out of their skulls! 

It was third grade, and even though I was teased mercilessly about not shutting up about rocks, I completely embraced the fact that I was a rockhound for life.  It was the beginning of my fascination with rocks, stones and crystals. On family trips to the mountains of North Carolina, my favorite part was always the panning for gemstones. Every little colorful sparkle that came up in the sand as I shook, settled and found stones in the waters of mountain creeks or from the grab bags at the roadside tourist stands, thrilled me to the bone. I still have a lot of those stones to this day.  I had dreams of becoming a paleontologist, anthropologist or geologist.  Childhood dreams fall away frequently, as the realities of life come about.  But nothing ever dampened my love of stones.  On the contrary, especially with the development of the world wide web and home internet, I studied and learned more and more over four decades and collected dozens more stones each year.  I am still a kid, excited to be in front of class, ready to share the wonder of Earth’s creations with you!

I began to learn that stones have physical and metaphysical properties that are beneficial to human beings.  In the past, healers would use stones to treat common ailments and illnesses.  The Egyptians, the Greeks and Romans, all used stones and crystals extensively for healing, protection and gave many stones a high value in their cultures.  There are twelve stones in the foundation and wall of New Jerusalem in the Bible.  There is no end to the information from geology to theology, history to mystery, of these treasures of our Earth.

In the past 8 years I have met and become friends with several ‘rock dealers’ in the Raleigh area (my stone tribe).  Collaborating and learning with them has really fanned the flames of my curiosity far beyond what began in third grade.  My childhood hobby was now an adult investigation into how I could live a life that integrated my dreams into daily life and perhaps even a business.

I began making bracelets from natural precious and semi-precious stones in 2023 during a health battle that kept me housebound.  In all honesty, to focus on the intricate beading and the beautiful properties of the stones was a method to distract myself from fear and pain.  It has been tremendous therapy and a healing process for me that has proved transformational.  

It feels as though I am the most blessed person in the world, for this opportunity to share with you.  I feel the power of these stones and crystals, and they guide me to choose the partnering and combinations that become my designs.  These pieces of jewelry have been cleansed and recharged on a lotus flower made of crystal.  They have been blessed with a pure intention of love from my heart.  And I share these with you as a genuine wish of goodwill, peace and affection for you.  May you, as your highest self, wear these ancient creations of the Earth in good health and many blessings be yours for all of your days.

My gratitude is with you for joining me on this endeavor to share the magic of crystals.  I appreciate any feedback about my work.  I encourage you to read and discover more about stones!  Please send me any requests for a particular stone or design.  I will be happy to accommodate as best available for your request.  

Love and Blessings, dear Souls. 


The Crystal Gathering

The Crystal Gathering

Come! Let us embark upon our journey to illuminate the wisdom of natural stones. There is a powerful connection to Earth, to the Universe itself, within us. We are all made of the same minerals and elements as the Earth. We are crystals of the Universe. We all have the power to crystallize our dreams.

As we learn in love, grow in love , together. Open your crystal eyes to crystallize with us.